Register for Selective Service (the draft)
The Selective Service program sets up a fair way to register eligible men for military service.
Military service in the U.S. is voluntary. But most young men must register with Selective Service. Learn about the registration process.
Register with Selective Service
Register for Selective Service
You can register for selective service online or by mail. Print the registration form [PDF, 1.7MB]. Fill it out and mail it to the address on the form.
Who must register for Selective Service
Almost all men who are 18-25 years old and live in the United States must register for Selective Service. This includes:
- U.S. citizens (U.S. born, dual citizens, and naturalized)
- U.S. citizens who live outside of the country
- Immigrants (legal permanent residents and undocumented immigrants)
- Refugees and asylum seekers
- People with disabilities
See Selective Service’s full list of who is required and exempt from registering.
Penalties for not registering
There are consequences if you fail to register with Selective Service. It is a federal felony, punishable by fines or a prison sentence. And you may not be eligible for federal jobs, citizenship, or state-funded student financial aid.
Getting called for duty
The United States has not had a draft since 1973. Congress and the president would have to authorize a draft. In the case of a national emergency, the Selective Service will follow this process to draft eligible young men.
LAST UPDATED: February 10, 2025
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